“The use of case studies to highlight opportunities/challenges in the field of education or get us thinking about those things through a different lens is something we all...latch on to.”

Director of School Turnaround Delaware

“The biggest thing is how much it's been able to help us focus on areas for improvement identified by the school and what that means for all of us—leaders, teachers, principal supervisors, out to district departments.”

Deputy Chief Schools Officer Colorado

“You figure out how the [UVA-PLE] philosophies work in your district. At the end of the day, it's great for kids because it really does make them better academic students...Research-based strategies are good for all kids.”

Assistant Superintendent New Mexico

“My team went back ‘on fire’ with a rebirth of insight and enthusiasm for the work.”

Superintendent Utah

“Dynamic, intense, engaging, challenging. The people involved in this program, both individually and collectively, are valuable assets to turning around our schools. They are willing to share their knowledge and enthusiasm to help make the future of our nation brighter through the success of educating our children.”

Reading Specialist Missouri

“The transformation of change includes hard work, accountability, and the ability to self-reflect on an ongoing basis. The payoff is nothing short of awesome and fulfilling.”

District Leader Texas

“I think they really excelled at the balance between spending time developing knowledge and leadership but also going deep with implementation and focusing on the evidence of real implementation. Through their site visits and coaching follow-up, I think the cycle of deeper implementation was ingrained in the process.”

Assistant Superintendent Ohio

“I think their ability to infuse a fortune-500 mentality into how principal leadership can be managed, can be thought through, can be executed is ideal. I think that's the strategy that they have in my mind that others don't, because they take a organizational model.”

Chief Academic Officer Colorado